Case Study: $15M equity release financing solution for UAE resident

GSB Private Finance was presented with a unique challenge—a UAE resident and UK passport holder seeking equity release on an unencumbered property on Palm Jumeirah. Traditional local bank channels proved unviable, so GSB crafted a tailored solution that met the client’s complex needs and circumstances.

Key Details:

  • UAE Resident/UK Passport holders
  • Equity release instruction on an unencumbered property on Palm Jumeirah
  • Proceeds required to invest in the borrower’s UAE business
  • HNW borrowers who had low income and low liquidity, but significant offshore asset base
  • Facility of $15,000,000 secured with an International Private Bank at a blended margin of 1.55% + cost of funds.
  • 70% of facility released to the client for business investment; 30% retained by Private Bank and reinvested under GSB’s management
  • Wider AUM relationship established with lender, with assets transferred into their custody from elsewhere.
GSB Private finance $15,000,000 Equity Release

The Request

GSB Private Finance was first introduced to this enquiry after the borrowers had been unsuccessful in finding a solution via local banks in Dubai.The borrowers had an unencumbered main residence on Palm Jumeirah that they wanted to release equity to re-invest that equity back into their UAE business. The residence was worth AED 135,000,000, and the client required AED 40,000,000.


  • Despite the required loan-to-value (LTV) being low, the main challenges were as follows;
  • The UAE’s central bank regulations have strict controls on equity release mortgages, and this request fell outside of those regulations.
  • Clients were self-employed entrepreneurs who took only what they needed to take out in income from their business in Dubai. As a result, and on paper at least, a mortgage of this size failed the vast majority of lenders’ affordability tests.
  • The business in Dubai was profitable, but not to the levels which many Banks required if they were going to take the business numbers into the personal borrowing equation.
  • Outside of the business, the client’s wealth was mainly in illiquid assets, which in the absence of high levels of income, many lenders were concerned about.
  • Many lenders who had appetite required over 50% of the equity being released to remain on the balance sheet with the lender to be re-invested. The client did not have appetite for this.


$15,000,000 (55,000,000 AED) term loan for 5 years at a blended margin of 1.55% + cost of funds.

GSB Private Finance spoke with several lenders and had the most success in early discussions with an International Private Bank with global booking centre capabilities.

This bank proposed to lend out of one of its offshore booking centres in Geneva via a local security agent in Dubai. This overcame the challenges around the UAE Central Bank’s rules on equity release locally.

The structure of the lend was something that considerable time was spent going back and forth with the lender on. The lender was concerned with the lack of income and liquidity, despite the clients being of significant net worth.

Working closely with the lender and their specialist credit team and applying our expertise in complex credit transactions, the agreed outcome of the facility structure was as follows;

-Instead of lending the client’s the required AED 40,000,000 , the lender mandated a total increased lend of 55,000,000 AED ($15,000,000). This consisted of;

  • Tranche 1 – AED 40,000,000 ($11,000,000) that was released to clients to be re-invested into their UAE business at their discretion. The pricing on this tranche was agreed at 1.80% + cost of funds.
  • Tranche 2 – AED 15,000,000 ($4,000,000) that was drawn and reinvested as Assets Under Management (AUM) with the lender. This AUM was then reinvested into liquid investments and charged by the lender, which strengthened the security position and improved the pricing of the deal. The pricing on this tranche was agreed at 0.80% + cost of funds.

The lender required there to be 12 months of interest cover held on account for the duration of the term to provide additional comfort around serviceability. It was agreed this could come from the AED 15,000,000 ($4,000,000) tranche 2, as opposed to the borrowers having to find this liquidity from elsewhere.

The clients had a large shareholding of redeemable preference shares (RPS) in a UK Limited company, which acted as their wider family’s Family Office. Whilst this was a private company shareholding, the company had a large balance sheet, and we obtained confirmation from the Family Office and a third-party accountant that the RPSs could be redeemed and proceeds used to service the interest on the mortgage over the 5-year term. This helped satisfy any concerns of affordability and serviceability.

The client had a large illiquid hedge fund position that was being held in third-party custody. The lender mandated that as part of the lend, they required the position to be custodied (but not charged) with them. This helped cement a wider Private banking relationship with the lender.

GSB Private, in our dual role as Independent Asset Managers, were granted permission to manage the funds that were drawn down in tranche 2. These funds were re-invested and managed by GSB Private via a Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA), providing independent advice and removing any conflicts that would have existed by having the lending Bank as both Lender and Investment Manager.

Get in touch

Contact GSB today if you would like to discuss any of these matters with our in-house team.


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